"If you work food correctly, it's like poetry" - Mom

Why Eat Gluten Free?

Eating a gluten free diet is becoming more and more popular.  When I first heard about it, I was a teenager back in 2000 when my dad got diagnosed with Celiacs Disease.  Gluten has been linked to other diseases and disorders besides Celiacs, like Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Gluten Intolerance and common Wheat Allergies.  But what is gluten?  Why should we avoid it?

Gluten is, according to google dictionaries: 'a protein substance that remains when starch is removed from cereal grains; gives cohesiveness to dough'.  Gluten can be found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley.  The majority of that delicious sandwich bread you eat at home is most likely made with Wheat Flour.  Common grains that don't contain gluten are: rice, corn, millet, quinoa, oats (be careful, some oats are not gluten free), soybeans, beans, and buckwheat; just to name a few.  In a nutshell, gluten makes bread better.  Better consistency, better taste, better texture.  When we remove it for health reasons, we need to find an alternative to get the deliciousness back.  And that's what I'm here to do!!  I want you to LOVE eating gluten free because it tastes awesome and satisfies your desire to be a healthier individual.

On the science side of things, the Journal of the Human Nutrition and Dietetics (pg 359-363 "The effect of substituting alternative grains in the diet on the nutritional profile of the gluten-free diet") stated that people who are on a gluten free diet that eat gluten free oats for breakfast, high fiber brown rice bread at lunch, and quinoa as a side dish for dinner have significant increases in protein (20.6g vs 11g), iron (18.4mg vs 1.4mg), calcium (182mg vs 0mg) and fiber (12.7g vs 5g).  They were also found to have improved the amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate.  These can reduce your risk for anemia and poor bone health.  So just my making simple changes in your diet to start adding these whole grains can significantly improve your health.  We've all seen those commercials promoting whole grains in your diet and how they help you lose weight.  It's the same thing here.  Be rid of the white bread and enriched white flour pasta.  Start small, then work your way up!!  You will also want to consume a variety of fruits and veggies in your diet to make sure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs.  A multivitamin supplement may help you, but if you are eating a balanced diet there should be no need for one.


If you do drink alcohol, which most of us do, it's good to be aware what's out there.  Beer is obviously made with barley and some like Hefewiesen is made with wheat.  Unfortunately, these beers are a no no.  There are gluten free beers out there, but we (my partner and I) have not tried them yet.  I think that will make for an interesting post.  Which gluten free beer is the best?!  Some hard alcohols like whiskey are made using products that contain gluten.  I've read somewhere that most of the gluten has been distilled out of the alcohol but not all of it.  So it's probably safe to check the label so see if it's processed with wheat or any wheat derived product.  The ones that are safe to drink are:  Brandy, Wine, Vodka, Gin, Cider, Champagne, Sherry, Port, Rum, Tequila, Sake and Vermouth.  I think that leaves a lot of options.

Celiac Disease

What is Celiac Disease?  It is a disease in the small intestines that causes a malfunction in absorbing nutrients in food.  If you have celiac disease and you eat food containing gluten, your body would creat a toxic reaction by destroying your intestine.  If your intestine gets destroyed, you are no longer able to absorb nutrients.  Even small amount of gluten can do this.  Foods like BBQ sauce, ketchup, and soy sauce all can contain wheat in them so always check labels!!   Celiac disease is genetic and is most likely to come into one's life once it is triggered, sometimes by a serious event like surgery, pregnancy, severe stress, or even a viral infection.

Symptoms vary from person to person.  People can go thirty years not knowing they have celiac disease because symptoms can be so common.  When my dad eats gluten, he knows.  His eyes and nose water nearly instantaneously and he gets abdominal pain afterward.  According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, 1 out of 133 people have Celiac Disease.  It is very common.  The disease is common in 5-15% of children and siblings of people who are already Diagnosed.  Since my dad has it, I have a 5-15% chance of having it and so do my brother, my sister, my aunts, and my uncle.  We should go in for a group testing!!  I really should get checked out.  Here is a list of symptoms:
  • Abdominal Cramping
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea or Constipation or Both
  • Fatty Stool
  • Anemia
  • Large unexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • Bone or Joint Pain
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Infertility
  • Depression
  • Ulcers
  • Migraines
For a full list of symptoms and related conditions, visit http://www.celiac.org/.  Each time I look at this list I think every one of my friends and family suffer from one or more of these symptoms so I would be diagnosing everyone with Celiac Disease.  This is why it's important to get tested to prevent any serious damage to your body including neurological issues.  It's good for you to eat a gluten free diet.  If you can't do all of it, then try to make healthier decisions.  Every time you go to the store, but one item that is listed as gluten free and give it a try.  If it sucks, never buy it again.  Or instead of making spaghetti with whole wheat noodles, but the noodles made with brown rice or quinoa.  You can't even tell the difference.  Or be like me and make your own homemade noodles from scratch!!  Get your whole family involved and make it fun!!